Time Left Until the Singularity
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"I am patiently waiting for the Singularity."

- Harper Reed

Surviving the Singularity Book

Welcome to Surviving the Singularity, your guide to navigating the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence and its impact on our future.

Our mission is to help you:

  • Stay informed about the latest news
  • Understand the risks (and benefits) of AI
  • Explore tips and strategies for adapting to an AI-dominated world
  • Engage with the ethical implications of rapid technological change
  • Prepare your own future for the Singularity

Surviving the Singularity: A Sneak Peek

Get a taste of the AI revolution

Surviving the Singularity Book Cover

In this free sample of the book, you'll find:

  • 🔮 A glimpse into AI's potential impact on your future
  • 🚀 Teasers of key strategies for thriving in an AI world
  • 🤖 A sneak peek at the book's approach to ethical AI considerations
  • 🧠 Just enough to make you curious for more!
"This book is so good, it made my neural networks tingle!"
- Definitely Not A Real AI, Fictional Endorsement Bot

(Just kidding! We don't need fake endorsements. Read the sample and judge for yourself!)


Limited copies remain at this price! Secure your copy now. The book is set to release the first week of November.

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Your AI Survival Glow-Up Starts Here!

Tired of feeling like a caveman in a world of killer robots? Ready to level up from "I could totally punch Alexa" to "I'm basically the John Connor of my cul-de-sac"? Surviving the Singularity is your ticket to the ultimate transformation:


  • - Thinks "neural network" is a fishing term
  • - Survival plan involves hiding under a blanket
  • - Secretly afraid your toaster is plotting against you (It is! You're sure of it!)


  • - Casually drops "recursive self-improvement" in conversation
  • - Has a fully stocked bunker (with Wi-Fi!)
  • - Can negotiate with rogue AIs in binary

Don't just survive the singularity - thrive in it! Join us and go from "anxious tech newbie" to "confident cyber-sage" faster than you can say "artificial general intelligence"!

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I've learned more about AI in the last month than I did in the last year on my own. This community is amazing!

Emily W., AI Enthusiast

The weekly mastery sessions alone are worth the price of admission. Highly recommended for anyone serious about the future.

Michael T., Tech Entrepreneur

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Latest News

The Singularity Express Arrives at the Station

The Singularity Express Arrives at the Station

Choo Choo, Motherf**ker. The Singularity Express just pulled into the station, and it's one hell of a ride. Get ready for Level 2 - AI that can think and reason.

The past is over, the present is fleeting - we live in the future.

- Ray Kurzweil

Limited Time Offer

Book Dropping Soon

Time Left
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Transform Your Future with 'Surviving the Singularity'

Imagine waking up confident and prepared for the AI-driven world, instead of feeling overwhelmed and left behind.

That's the transformation 'Surviving the Singularity' offers. Readers like you have gone from anxious to empowered, from confused to clear-minded about their place in the AI revolution.

  • Gain clarity on how AI will impact your career and daily life
  • Master practical tools to adapt and thrive in the AI era
  • Join a community of forward-thinkers shaping the future
  • Access exclusive insights from AI experts and ethicists

Limited Time Offer: Pre-order now for just $9 (regular price: $24.99)! Only 1000 copies left at this special price. Don't miss this opportunity to secure your future!

Release Date: First week of November | Current Pre-order Price: $9

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By enlisting, you agree to receive communications about joining our community and learning how to adapt and survive the singularity with like-minded individuals who are watching developments with curiosity and caution.

Time Left Until the Singularity
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Timeline of Events

  1. Sumerian Abacus

    The inception of computational tools with the creation of the abacus in Mesopotamia.

  2. Antikythera Mechanism

    An ancient Greek analog computer used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses.

  3. Al-Khwarizmi's Algorithmic Foundations

    Persian polymath Al-Khwarizmi establishes the basis for algebra and algorithmic thinking.

  4. Astrolabe Refinement

    Significant improvements to the astrolabe during the Islamic Golden Age.

  5. Gutenberg's Printing Press

    Johannes Gutenberg invents the movable-type printing press, revolutionizing information dissemination.

  6. Napier's Bones

    John Napier invents 'Napier's Bones,' a manual calculating device for multiplication.

  7. Pascal's Calculating Machine

    Blaise Pascal invents the Pascaline, one of the earliest mechanical calculators.

  8. Leibniz's Stepped Reckoner

    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz designs the Stepped Reckoner, advancing mechanical calculation.

  9. Jacquard's Loom

    Joseph Marie Jacquard invents a programmable loom using punched cards.

  10. Babbage's Analytical Engine

    Charles Babbage designs the Analytical Engine, a mechanical general-purpose computer.

  11. Boolean Algebra

    George Boole develops Boolean algebra, a foundation of digital circuit design and computer programming.

  12. First Electric Programmable Computer

    Konrad Zuse completes the Z3, the world's first working electromechanical programmable computer.

  13. ENIAC

    The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) becomes operational.

  14. Stored-Program Computer

    The Manchester Baby runs the world's first stored program.

  15. Turing Test Proposed

    Alan Turing proposes the Turing Test for machine intelligence.

  16. First AI Program

    The Logic Theorist, considered the first AI program, is created.

  17. Integrated Circuit

    Jack Kilby demonstrates the first working integrated circuit.


    The first node of ARPANET, the precursor to the internet, is installed.

  19. Personal Computer Revolution

    The release of the Altair 8800 sparks the personal computer revolution.

  20. World Wide Web

    Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web.

  21. Deep Blue Defeats World Chess Champion

    IBM's Deep Blue defeats world chess champion Garry Kasparov.

  22. Watson Wins Jeopardy!

    IBM's Watson AI system defeats human champions on the quiz show Jeopardy!

  23. AlphaGo Defeats World Go Champion

    Google's AlphaGo defeats world Go champion Lee Sedol.

  24. Transformer Architecture

    The Transformer architecture is introduced, revolutionizing natural language processing.

  25. GPT-3 Released

    OpenAI releases GPT-3, a large language model with 175 billion parameters.

  26. DALL-E Introduced

    OpenAI introduces DALL-E, an AI model capable of creating images from text descriptions.

  27. ChatGPT Launch

    OpenAI releases ChatGPT, a conversational AI model based on GPT-3.5.

  28. Tesla Optimus Robot Unveiled

    Tesla unveils the Optimus humanoid robot prototype at AI Day 2022.

  29. Figure 02 Announcement

    Figure AI announces Figure 02, an advanced general-purpose humanoid robot.